Why does DXS Point-of-Care need a physical server in each practice?

Why does DXS Point-of-Care need a physical server in each practice?

Author: Tim Foster
Date: 22/04/2021

Traditionally, like most applications running in GP practices, DXS Point-of-Care required a physical server or PC to enable it to run. This was often a spare PC in the practice, the DOCMAN PC, or a spoke server. This is no longer required and DXS Point-of-Care does not need a physical server in any practice.

Indeed, in recent years DXS has been migrating practices to a secure cloud-based solution which means all PCs and laptops used by practice users connect directly to online servers dedicated to running DXS Point-of-Care. Older hardware used to service the DXS Point-of-Care database can be decommissioned or reused within the practice. Ninety-four percent (94%) of practices using the DXS Point-of-Care software are now benefiting from having moved to the cloud-based hosting solution.

Performance and stability issues sometimes experienced by practices were largely due to the reliance on the physical computer and internal network within the practice which was used to run DXS Point-of-Care. Since this is now removed, with DXS Point-of-Care running on a dedicated array of cloud servers, the improvements have been impressive.

A hosted centralised server solution enables all local servers to be removed from practices and includes the following benefits:

  • Improved access and availability for remote working GPs (laptops)
  • No extra hardware in the practice (DXS server)
  • Potential to actively remove hardware from practices (PC used as DXS server)
  • Reduced cost and reliance on third-party IT providers maintaining virtual servers to host the numerous DXS practice servers
  • Centralised updating of content, including provider referral templates and forms. One DXS Point-of-Care database being updated by one DXS Point-of-Care updating service or application. This means every practice sees exactly the same forms, pathways, and other documents. Updates or changes to CCG or provider documents are immediately visible to all practices at the same time
  • Forms sharing and assignments between main and branch practices
  • Disaster recovery benefits
  • Relevant Enhanced Access Hubs and Minor Injury Units (that run applicable clinical system software) can run DXS Point-of-Care from the same server
  • Improved support, issue resolution, and rapid version upgrades
Migrating to a cloud-based solution allows DXS Point-of-Care to provide full capacity management, solution monitoring, and disaster recovery. DXS understands what is required for its software to operate at its optimum and how to mitigate any issues through daily monitoring and the ability to react immediately should action be required.

The impact of moving away from physical servers is a huge improvement for practices and the user’s experience when using the software.

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