BestPathway Accessibility Statement

BestPathway Accessibility Statement

DXS is committed to making our solutions as accessible as possible for people with disabilities.  BestPathway partially complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. We are committed to developing our future solutions in full WCAG 2.1 compliance.

The following measures have been taken to make BestPathway accessible to people with disabilities in terms of Perceivability:

  • The provision of text alternatives for images
  • Colours are not used to explain or distinguish anything
  • Text colour stands out against backgrounds
  • All features are usable when text size is increased by 200%

The following measures have been taken to make BestPathway accessible to people with disabilities in terms of Operability:

  • Descriptive titles for pages and frames
  • Descriptive links indicating navigation or downloadable linked content

The following measures have been taken to make BestPathway accessible to people with disabilities in terms of Understandability:

  • Consistent looking features, behaving in predictable ways
  • All form fields have visible and meaningful labels
  • Easy identification and correction of errors in forms

Since BestPathway is a desktop application with no web browser interface, the WCAG 2.1 criteria related to Robustness do not apply to the solution.

We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of BestPathway.

Phone: +44 8000 280 004
E-mail: support-uk@dxs-systems.com