Why Are DXS Documents So Expensive?

Why Are DXS Documents So Expensive?

Author: Steven Bauer
Date: 17/06/2021

DXS produces and distributes both national and local documentation. Delivering local documents such as referral forms, care pathways, guidelines, and referral protocols for PCNs, CCGs, and ICS regions provides many benefits for those health authorities. One central store for documents, updated and managed by DXS, allows local areas to remove this resource-heavy function and have comfort knowing that forms and pathways are expertly put together, and version control is guaranteed.

However, some have a perception that local funding of the DXS BestPathway document units is mandatory and expensive. So why is that?

Firstly, this is a perception but not an accurate one. DXS BestPathway provides 200 document units to all CCG customers during year 1 of their contract and top that up each year thereafter with 100 documents. This is free of charge. Even in the unlikely situation that extra document units are required after this free allocation, they can be locally funded at just £20 per new document.

Additionally, DXS has always only used document allocations when working on new or replacement documents. Changes, small amendments, and updates are free of charge and always have been.

DXS provides a comprehensive service when producing and publishing all documents for a local health area. This is not a simple process of creating a basic form or document and dropping it into a folder, which is followed by many other companies in the area of decision support. Instead, DXS prides itself in the comprehensive clinical and technical workflow it adheres to for every document dealt with. Referral forms, for example, are expertly ‘tagged’ with the relevant merge fields but also have enhanced functionality added to them, which is not available in the core clinical system, with the outcome being a far superior output which provides ease of use for practice staff and a reduction in incomplete or inappropriate referrals to the providers.

Furthermore, the DXS clinical team provide clinical assurance through a strict process adopted when creating and publishing documents within the software. The diligence and assurances given to any type of content made available in DXS BestPathway give local organisations confidence in accuracy and clinical excellence.

DXS is able to centrally update new or updated documents automatically to cloud-based servers, meaning that changes are instantly accessible to all GP practices and users in a locality or CCG area once published. The strict quality assurance followed ensures the documents are clinically assured and technically built to perfection.

To conclude, it is clear that DXS BestPathway document units are not expensive and are actually largely free as part of the agreement.

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