How Can DXS Help with Cancer Priorities?

How Can DXS Help with Cancer Priorities?

Author: Will Brown
Date: 30/04/2021

Cancer continues to be a main focus for the NHS, with ICS’, CCGs and PCNs implementing a variety of national and local initiatives.

Feedback from our partners requested support in the areas of:

  • Prevention / Screening
  • Earlier Diagnosis
  • Symptom Monitoring
  • Safety Netting
The CompleteCare Cancer Toolkit has a number of developed solutions built within EMIS and SystmOne to help streamline processes, ensure the effective implementation of national cancer priorities, and achieve improvements in cancer screening uptake and early diagnosis.

Included in these tools are:

Templates (with guidance on):
  • Referral Criteria
  • Screening Criteria

Cancer Safety Netting

Workflows, Alerts and Patient List Reports (around):
  • Safety netting of investigations and referral
  • Early warning symptom monitoring
  • DNA / abnormal results of tests and outstanding screening

Cancer early Warning

Cancer Improvement

These tools are built using clinical system functionality of reports, templates, and protocols. This ensures minimal training required and more of an awareness and decision of locally adding things to various toolbars or quick launches (depending on the clinical system).

All content is linked directly to the centrally managed and distributed Point-of-Care referral forms, patient leaflets, local and national pathways, and treatment services.

Benefits for ICS / CCGs
  • Increase in quality of referrals
  • Improvements
  • Meeting DES network contracts
  • Improvements of screening uptakes
Benefits for PCNs / Practices
  • Standardisation of care and referrals between clinicians and locums
  • Meeting PCN drivers
  • Supporting quality improvement projects and initiatives
Benefits for Patients
  • Increase in earlier diagnosis and allowing more treatment options
  • Improved overall patient experience
  • Improved cancer survival
  • Shorter waiting times

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