How Can DXS Help Me with QOF Quality Improvement (QI) Objectives?
Author: Will Brown
Date: 29/04/2021
For practices, Quality Improvement (QI) will already be part of the practice’s culture. The QOF QI domain looks at specific conditions and allows review of current operations and approaches. Identifying opportunities to implement new ways of working, systems, and approaches to improve safety, quality, and patient experience.
PCNs, ICS’, and CCGs will have a focus on QI or specific Local Enhanced Schemes to look at ways of improving efficiency within practice, or the efficiency of treatment or patient management.
DXS offers a number of different levels of support to assist.
Practices / PCNs
For those practices and groups that have plans in place, we offer a number of selected toolkits and solutions, offering holistic support from patient cohort management, real-time action alerts, clinical templates, decision support, to reporting.
These cover a number of conditions including:
Medication Monitoring Toolkit
200+ drug monitoring alerts and reviews for all high-risk and in-demand drugs including, DMARDs, anti-psychotics, etc.
Learning Disabilities Solution
Including health checks and outstanding actions, LeDeR, assessments, and communication guidelines
Cancer Solutions
NICE-aligned referral criteria, NG12 forms, safety netting and early warning identification, and symptom monitoring
Long Term Condition
Holistic management templates from screening/diagnosis through to treatment options and reviews, miscoding/case finding, opportunistic care alerts
ICS / CCGs / Practice Management Support
For larger groups with defined outcomes in mind, we offer the ability to create bespoke tools and workflows to assist with meeting objectives.
We have worked with a number of partners to implement customised pathways, outcome and patient management algorithms, and clinical decision support tools. Assisting with patient-level reports to support business cases and projects.
For those that are in the planning stages of a QI piece, we have a wealth of project management and business analysis resources with experience in delivering NHS projects that can assist in all areas.
- Project plans / business case definition
- Readiness assessments
- Troubleshooting and analysis with recommendations
- Baselining and benefits realisation
- Evidence capture
- Project management methodologies including PMO, PRINCE, Agile, and PDSA cycles
- Six Sigma and continuous improvement techniques
- NHS procurement, clinical system integration, and API expertise
For more information or to talk through your specific requirements, please complete the form below for one of our team to contact you.
Links to other resources you may find useful
NHS England Sustainable Improvement Team – National Quality Improvement resource for activity in primary care and includes training, practical advice, and support from quality improvement specialists.
NHS Improvement – Resources including improvement tools and case studies.
RCGP QI Resources – RCGP QI Guide for General Practice and other quick guides to the use of quality improvement tools and techniques.